Denise Painter

I discovered the 'creative me' in 1993.  Since then my work has evolved from traditional decoupage to canvas works using techniques that incorporate acrylic mediums and mixed media. My projects “just happen”. I will fall in love with an image, an object or a concept and it goes from there. I think about the design constantly, the object I will use and so on, until I am happy to begin. The challenge is to find a balance and harmony of images, drawings, colour and texture. I love to use traditional and contemporary images together, surprising the viewer. As one viewer commented “is that what goes on in your mind” – the comment struck me as apt.

Two years ago, I moved to Toronto and now live in a lovely cottage overlooking the lake. I have a studio and workshop where works are created and displayed. My works are researched and documented. I use paint and textured papers to create work that draws the viewer to look more closely often finding different aspects to the design. I enjoy abstract, collage and mixed media often using all disciplines in a single project.

Materials used in my projects include paint (acrylic, oil, ink and washes), substrates (stretched canvas, canvas boards, timber, ceramic and eggshell), mediums (texture paste, impasto, gesso, gloss/matt medium varnish and fibre gels), and pencils (coloured pencils, water colours, graphite and charcoal).

Techniques I use include pencil sketches, collage, mixed medium, oils, painting, washes and decoupage.

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