Janelle Gibbon-Heath

Art by Nell Studio was born during COVID. Since then, I have dedicated my working life to learning as much as I can in all aspects of Acrylic Painting. Through the generosity of Kate and the encouragement of the fellow artist at Tinkat Alley Art Studio and Gallery I find I am pinching myself whenever I finish a piece or sell one of my many works. I am pleased to share that I have sold many paintings at various shows or exhibitions, two of which I received awards for. I love doing commissions, it makes me kick up a gear.

I don’t think you ever stop learning; however, the last year has afforded me the opportunity to teach others, and somehow that just makes me want to learn more. I am a member of the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Art Society and look forward to the opportunities my new career leads me to.

Get-Off-My-Perch   whale

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