Sandra Lee Brown

Sandra has lived in the Hunter Region her entire life.

Born at Lake Macquarie on Coal Point she developed a love of imagery by having the constant beauty of her surrounds impact her soul.

Sandra discovered a love of clay whilst a child….it flicked well off a stripped piece of lantana and went a long, long way!

Clay was to be a passion for life.

After attending Hunter Tafe and later the University of Newcastle Sandra refined her arts practice to include sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing as well as multimedia works.

Before the resurgence of ceramics as a medium of expression for many Sandra ran the Hunter Community College Ceramics course at Broadmeadow for a number of years as well as tutoring at the University of Newcastle and Teaching at Hunter Tafe.

Sandra has been working with clay to make an income for the past ten years through teaching and selling her work.

She has a studio at Cardiff called ‘earthwares’ from where she sells her ceramics and runs classes in ceramic art from beginners to advanced.

Sandra has work in both National and international collections.


Contact details

0425 853 811

[email protected]