The Node - The Violin Does Not Play the Bow

Jen Valender - Broken Chord

The Violin Does Not Play the Bow

Jen Valender

A recording is like a ghost or an echo of a performance, reverberating. This film applies temporal stretching to the moving image cycle, bending sound into a foreign otherness, reminiscent of a distant whale cry. 

Having sacrificed her string instruments, the artist bows a section of her studio, generating new modes of performance. Life and death cycles are similar in essence: for instance, certain plant species and ecosystems require fire for their seeds to propagate. This artwork aims to recognise such dualities, perseverance and potency of regrowth, in the midst of devastation.

Please note: this work can only be viewed after dusk

Artwork details

Jen Valender, The Violin Does Not Play the Bow, 2022, Single channel video, 5min

View other works in this exhibition

Broken Chord -  a video installation in The Cube 

Under Soil & Skin #1-4 - a series of sculptures in the Discovery Ports

External Score - a sound installation on the North Wall