The North Wall - External Score

Jen Valender standing in front of the North Wall at MAP mima

Broken Chord

Jen Valender

To create this soundscape, Valender has worked with Awaba_Salt Water Lake, an artwork by Claire Lavis and Kira Jovanovski, which features an Acknowledgement of Country in Morse code built into the brickwork of the North Wall. Valender’s sound piece translates the Morse code pattern of the brickwork into music, surrounded by a chorus of fire. External Score captures the dynamic between message, translator and receiver, seeing the translation as a process that evolves content into something new and of itself.

Artwork details

Jen Valender, External Score, 2022, Six channel, 1min, sound installation

View other works in this exhibition

Broken Chord - a video installation in The Cube

Under Soil & Skin #1-4 - a series of sculptures in The Discovery Ports

The Violin Does Not Play the Bow - a video that screens after dusk in The Node