Fresque Grotesque is a generative video mural inspired by opera, mythology, and the decorative grotesque painting style of the Italian Renaissance. Originally designed for the Grand Théâtre de Québec, this work will be adapted and recomposed for the unique immersive environment of the MAP mima Cube. The expansive animated mural serves as a visual and digital ode to the live arts, presenting a surreal pictorial allegory that intertwines fragments of fantastical stories with a gallery of earthy characters, candelabra, foliage, flowers, insects, and birds.
The work employs a rich fusion of digital and cinematographic techniques, including live-action footage of costumed performers, traditional animation, 2D and 3D animation, and timelapse imagery of plants. These elements are seamlessly composited in a digital environment and animated through custom-programmed generative algorithms. Organised by a predetermined schedule, the mural evolves continuously, ensuring a unique experience with each viewing.
Set within a mythological landscape adorned with traditional grotesque ornamentation, Fresque Grotesque unfolds over a cycle of twelve tableaux, representing different times of the day. This narrative structure draws inspiration from the Hours of Greek Mythology, where goddesses personify the division of time, guided by the sun’s path across the sky. Each tableau reflects a specific time of day, influencing the colour palette, central characters, and accompanying visual and sound motifs. Acting as a dynamic clock, the mural features generative animated floral bouquets that appear hourly, further enhancing its transformative quality.
The mural evolves slowly and continuously, revealing new details and elements over time. An original soundscape complements the visual experience, composed of four layers: music, minimalist atmospheres, delicate accents, and field recordings. This immersive auditory dimension harmonizes with the visual narrative, enriching the sensory engagement of the piece.
The project aligns with Oliver Grau’s perspective on virtual art as a continuation of humanity's historical fascination with immersive image spaces, rather than a new concept born of digital technology. Fresque Grotesque captivates audiences with its humor, exuberance, and vitality, inviting them to explore its intricate, phantasmagorical universe.
By embracing the experimental theatricality and narrative depth possible within the MAP mima Cube, Fresque Grotesque transcends mainstream digital art aesthetics to deliver a transformative and memorable experience for all visitors.